Accion Del Sol's first agility dog practice was a wooftastic success, all the dogs and the humans really enjoyed it. I couldn't join in, a bit old for that kind of thing.
Steph Tufft showed the doggies around the course first, and then ever body had a go.
Well done Karen Clack for organising the agility event and thanks to Steph for giving her time and the Atlantic Whale Foundation did a fabulous job at constructing the agility equipment, Tenerife dogs definitely gives the paws up to these guys.
So don't forget Accion Del Sol's summer party 20th June and you still have time to get some practice in next week 3pm-6pm at Accion Del Sol, for the agility competition. For more information - Tel Steph at Waggy Tails - 628859973.
"Definitely deserve a biscuit for that"
Marion Director of Accion Del Sol
Karen the organiser of the agility course with her pooch
"Now what am I suppose to do, new at this you know"
Steph introducing the class
"I am getting the hang of this"
"Its going to take more than a biscuit to get me to walk on that !"
'Didn't realise I was going to get my paws wet doing this agility class !"
"Need a bit of a rest its exhausting you know"